Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Maybe Some Things Don't Change After All!

It's so nice that some things don't change much in this world. I live near a large park, and this week is Field Day week at the park, evidently. Monday there were three buses from Raytown School District and one from Independence there-- Tuesday there were kids from a private parochial school, and Fort Osage there, and today, there were at least two hundred kids from my neighborhood school there, all participating in Field Day.
I remember when I was a child, and Field Day was the day we all looked forward to-- it might have topped the day we had our Christmas Party or Halloween Party at school. It was always warm, and we always picnicked outside, getting to chase each other, and playing games to our hearts' content.
It's comforting that this still goes on, in an era where inflatable moonwalks aren't allowed by the local school district because of insurance issues, background checks have to be done on volunteers, and homemade treats are not allowed at classroom parties. These field days had teachers, kids, and adults who appeared to be grandparents or parents-- I even saw strollers on Tuesday and Wednesday. (As one can tell, I walk through that park nearly every day.)
I'm just finding reassurance in these events, as the world continues to experience global warming, devastating earthquakes, cyclones, mass shootings, and all other such evils.

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