Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Of Bridezilla, Soccer and Such

Here I am and it's been almost two months since I've written. What is wrong with me? I think June was a blur; kids were busy adjusting to new freedom, and there were people to be visited in the hospital. All of a sudden it was time for the vacation. I couldn't believe it. I thought about writing while we were traveling, but didn't kept a written journal instead, which I am going to post on here. The one thing I do remember about June was counseling a couple before they marry-- the last session before the big day, which is this coming weekend. They were stressed about details, and I tried to get the bride to realize things were going to happen that were unforeseen. Her mom was there, echoing what I said, but I'm not sure she was hearing me. Hopefully on the big day she won't notice whatever goes wrong.
One thing I was stunned by was that she mentioned she had put her elderly cat down, because he pooped on her wedding invitations. Kind of harsh, I think. I have an elderly blind and deaf cat, and would never do something like that. We've already decided that when it's her time, we'll take the vet's advice. Glad this Bridezilla isn't in charge of any elderly relatives.
I was thinking about my son's soccer games too- he's gotten so much better while he played this summer on a league. I think he knows that there aren't any subs to count on, so he wants to be a good team member. We couldn't have taught this as effectively if we'd tried. And we're not complaining that most of the games have been in the evening, when you have to combat mosquitos, but not the sun and heat. I'll write another day on pre-hormonal (I think) tweens and their moodswings, as I have to go read Harry Potter #7 now.